Museo Fortuny


Enjoy a private after hours visit of Palazzo Pesaro degli Orfei focused on the eclectic Mariano Fortuny . The palace is a great example of a Venetian warehouse-abode where under the same roof the functions of private residence and merchant house were held together. Under the guidance of Mariano all rooms and spaces in the building were transformed: a workshop and exhibition area in the second noble floor and a private home in the first one. From his home Mariano designed and produced the fashion garments, fabrics and lamps that made him famous all over the world, still produced in the Giudecca Island in Venice and in New York City. Visiting now the Fortuny palace and collection is recommended because visitors will enter and see a true Venetian 15th century palace and one of the largest of its time. Besides the powerful  architecture in itself, visitors wil enjoy viewing all of Mariano Fortuny’s works and personal items on display.

Duration: approximately 1hour and 30 min

Time :
4.30 pm from hotel

• English speaking guide 2 hrs
• After hours private opening
• Private water taxi 2 ways

Cancellation policy :
not refundable


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