La Fenice Theatre


Step into the most famous Baroque Opera House and get ready to travel back in time to the golden age of Italian opera. The evening tour at La Fenice is an exclusive experience that will allow you to access one of the most beautiful theaters worldwide, at a time of the day when no one else is allowed in. Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy this incredible place with an expert tour guide that will tell you its history and show you its wonderful spaces: walk around the Foyer, the Sala Teatrale, the Palco Reale, and the Sale Apollinee and learn about all the stories that happened there while marveling at the stunning architecture. At your choice, stop for an exclusive aperitif at the Sala Ammannati and enjoy a glass of wine surrounded by the magic of the theater .


Foyer, Sala Teatrale, Palco Reale e Sale Apollinee

Duration: approximately 1hour and 30 min

Time :
6 pm - 8 pm

- private transfer from hotel to La fenice
- English speaking guide 2 hrs
- After hours private opening 45 min
- Transfer back to hotel or to the restaurant

Cancellation policy :
not refundable


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