The Conservatory of Venice


As it is now the Conservatory of Venice, instrumental music will accompany you along your visit of this ancient Doge ’s Palace. This experience will immerse you in the unique daily life of the Conservatory of Music exploring the labyrinthic Palazzo Pisani and learning about its mysteries Door after door, key after key, you'll be accompanied throughout the incredible 18th-century building, once home of the Doge Alvise Pisani and, today, of the Music Conservatory of Venice. You'll explore the frescoed halls and the Masonic symbols hidden among the stuccoes, and discover the secrets of this one-of-a-kind Baroque architectural masterpiece. You'll enter the monumental Concert Hall, once Ball Room of the Pisani family and you'll have an exclusive view of the treasures of the Conservatory Library, like the only original Vivaldi manuscript still present in

Venice today. Reach the highest Rooftop Terrace in Venice by walking through the majestic 18th- century courtyards of Palazzo Pisani.

Duration: approximately 1hour and 30 min

Time :
to be agreed

- private transfer from hotel to Conservatorio
- English speaking guide 2 hrs
- After hours private opening 1 h 
- Transfer back to hotel or to the restaurant

Cancellation policy :
not refundable


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