Ligurian "seterie": exclusive shopping among velvets and damasks


Expected morning arrival in Zoagli and guided tour of the famous Silk Mills.
The art of weaving here has ancient origins, even if the real production on the Riviera only started in the 16th century, when Zoagli became one of the largest producers of silks and velvets in the world. The Silk Mills of Zoagli have been able to reconstruct a niche production in the area that still today offers ancient artifacts, creating silks, damasks and velvets of great value, with 19th century looms according to ancient tradition and is a supplier of the highest quality for the big names in Made in Italy fashion. You will have the opportunity to admire the items on display and, if you wish, request a personalized item that will be delivered to you later as usually happens with the various royals and foreign political exponents who visit. In maximum privacy and in an exclusive context. At the end, lunch inside the Villa's restaurant, with sea view, (4-course menu, drinks not included).

Duration: 4 hours

Time :
6.00 pm

- Entrance and guided tour of the Silk Mills of Zoagli

- Lunch in a restaurant in the Villa delle Seterie, with a terrace overlooking the sea (4-course menu, drinks not included)

Meeting point: Piazza De Ferrari in Genoa / End of service: Piazza del Carmine in Genoa


Recommended clothing: comfortable for walking.


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