Genova Blue Jeans History Tour


A guided itinerary that will take us back in time, to the era of the ancient Republic of Genoa, where one of the most important activities was precisely manufacturing. Precious typical fabrics such as lace and less noble fabrics, such as hemp and "Genoa blue", now known as "Blue Jeans", a particular fabric that was used to cover goods on ships and later worn by sailors themselves because it was resistant to bad weather. The route will take us to visit the historic center with particular interest in the artisan workshops.


We will stop in the historic shop, located in the historic center, which has always dealt with Genoese "mezzari", large pieces of cotton or linen fabric richly printed with imaginative designs of trees (the best known is "the Tree of Life") that were anciently used both to cover the head and as a furnishing accessory in many Noble Palaces.


The visit will continue with some realities known for lace and “macramè”, lace created according to an ancient maritime technique with threads woven and knotted together, without the aid of needles or hooks.

Free lunch.
In the afternoon, guided tour of the Diocesan Museum, a true treasure chest of works of art, set up inside the cloister of San Lorenzo.
The rooms alternate with sculptures, paintings, ship sails and 16th-century cloths painted on the famous “Genoa blue”, the current blue jeans fabric.

Duration: 7 hours

-guided tour of Genoa (duration 7 hours)

- entrance to the Diocesan Museum (closed on Tuesdays)


Meeting point: Piazza Caricamento in Genoa / End of service: Diocesan Museum in Genoa


Recommended clothing: comfortable for walking.


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