Sant'erasmo Bike&Wine and Honey Tasting tour


Take a guided bike tour with our Lagoon expert around the island of Sant'Erasmo, which once fed the people of La Serenissima with its lush gardens, orchards, and vineyards and now is a tourist-free refuge for Venetian families and for all of those who want to experience a peaceful piece of Venice, Explore Torre Massimiliana, a 19th-century Austrian fort, visit an organic bee apiary, taste barena honey and savory bites, and the exceptional Prosecco produced in the Lagoon.


Wrap it up with a tasting of Orto wine while looking at the Venice skyline from a very unusual spot, surrounded by nature and beauty.

Duration: 6 hours 


- 2 ways transfer by water taxi

- Bike rentals

- Visit to bee hives with protection suits

- Tasting local products, Prosecco and Orto wine.

Meeting point: to be agreed


Min Pax: 1 person

Max Pax: 6 person


Weather and tidal conditions permitting.




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