The elegant Savona Tour and Food


Savona can be described as an ancient pearl overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea, with castles and forts built in different eras, from the Middle Ages to the Kingdom of Italy.
The guided tour begins with the meeting with the Torre del Brandale, which indicates the entrance to the heart of the city from the Old Pier.
The walk begins in the historic center of the city in the direction of the Duomo (Cathedral of the Assumption) through the Art Museum of Palazzo Gavotti and the Palazzo della Rovere, the most representative medieval buildings of Savona, in addition to the Torretta.
Once in the Cathedral, you will visit the interior of the Sistine Chapel, built by Pope Sixtus IV between 1481 and 1483 as a mausoleum to house the tombs of his parents, where guests can appreciate the works of art preserved inside. The guided tour also represents an opportunity to get in touch with the local culinary tradition and taste focaccia, farinata and pesto, just to name a few of the "MUSTS". Finally, you will visit the Priamar Fortress, a military complex from 1542 that represents the most important fortification in all of Liguria, a true “balcony” over the city of Savona.

Duration: 3 hours

- Guided tour of Savona with our expert licensed guide (duration 3 hours)

- tasting of focaccia, farinata and pesto in a historic restaurant in Savona


Meeting point: Savona in Piazza del Brandale/ End of service: Savona at the Priamar Fortress


Recommended clothing: comfortable for walking.


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