Monterosso: trekking in the vineyards, history and tastings with a visit to the cellar.


A day dedicated to a wine – trekking, a non-demanding, easy and pleasant route, lasting about 1 hour at a leisurely pace, for a total of about 1.5 km, with not too steep slopes.
It is a panoramic route that will let you discover some of the most spectacular vineyards of the 5 Terre, an area recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO (the farm offers a snack consisting of 2 sandwiches, 1 bottle of 5 Terre DOP, 2 bottles of 0.50 l water and seasonal fruit for a picnic during the route in the vineyards for every 2 people).
It is an opportunity to learn more about the history, vineyards and traditions of the area in the field. Subsequently, a visit to the winery and tasting of the wines produced by the vineyards just passed through and typical products (tasting of 5 wines with bruschetta). It is the first route in the 5 Terre that combines storytelling, trekking in the vineyards, landscape, history and tastings with a visit to the winery. Afterwards, a guided tour of the village of Monterosso al Mare, the largest village in the Cinque Terre, which is located in the center of a small natural gulf. You will be able to admire the white sand, which you will not find in the other villages of the Cinque Terre, and the cliff, on which the Capuchin convent is perched.

Duration: 7 hours

- Wine trekking with storytelling and tasting of wines and typical products in Monterosso al Mare (the farm offers a snack consisting of 2 sandwiches, 1 bottle of 5 Terre DOP,
2 bottles of 0.50 l water and seasonal fruit for a picnic during the route through the vineyards for every 2 people)

- assistance from 1 expert and qualified tourist guide for the visit of Monterosso al Mare (3 hours)


Meeting point: Piazza Garibaldi in Monterosso al Mare.



Recommended clothing: trekking boots and sportswear.


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