Floral walks, foraging, and cook in nature


Discover this regional culture and cuisine whilst enjoying a special experience in the woods away from tourism and noise. Our Floral Walks are naturalistic strolls, quite quick and easy, perfect also for children.


Let’s walk together on small paths in the woods and through the fields, observing the world around us to discover new insects, flowers or even small hidden fossils telling us the history of the place we’re visiting. We will find organic garden herbs and vegetables as well as any foraged ingredients from our fields and woods around us for a unique cooking class.


We’ll prepare different kinds of pasta and sauces from scratch, from Ravioli and Lasagna to Gnocchi or Risotto. Then learn how to make a traditional Italian dessert like tiramisu or semifreddo.


We’ll begin lunch with a selection of delicious Italian appetizers before tasting our culinary creations and more!

During your day we'll offer local organic wines and prosecco from the best producers.

Duration: 6 hours 


- 2 ways transfer accomodation - vineyard - accomodation
- Cooking class
- Wine tasting and lunch

Meeting point: your accomodation


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 8 person





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