Picnic in the vineyard


Get ready for an exquisite adventure this summer! A lovely gourmet picnic experience is waiting for you, right in the heart of the breathtaking Italian vineyards.


Veneto region is famous for its magnificent wines and historic wineries: do not miss the opportunity to experience a typical open-air Italian lunch, immersed in one of the most beautiful landscapes of the country! Lay on the grass next to your basket or sit at the wonderful rustic table perfectly set for your lunch and enjoy a moment of pure relaxation surrounded by nature.


A delicious glass of wine in your hand, nature all around you, and warm sun above your head: can you imagine a more perfect combination?


Do not miss the chance to enjoy this perfect Italian day!


Duration: 6 hours 


- 2 ways transfer accomodation - vineyard - accomodation
- Private Pic Nic with luxury set up
- 4 courses cold menu

Meeting point: your accomodation


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 8 person







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