Hiking and Tasting in the Prosecco hills


Unique landscapes are waiting for you to discover the beauty of walking together, surrounded by nature. With your friends or family, fun is guaranteed withour local experts who will accompany you on an unforgettable hike! If you get out of breath, do not worry, this is exactly what it feels like to admire the view from the Hills! Over hillsides, alongside valleys, through ancient woodlands, and along Italy’s oldest wine route, there are numerous small-scale Prosecco producers, where farmers will openly beckon you inside to try their different wares. While adventuring in this area you will be greeted with extreme levels of kindness and hospitality, with countless opportunities to sample excellent regional wines.


Duration: 6 hours 


- Vclass 2 ways transfer

- Local hiking guide in English


Additional costs to be added:
- Wine tasting 
- Wine tasting & light lunch

Meeting point: your accomodation


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 8 person






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