Gourmet Ski Safari


A unique experience and an extraordinary Ski Safari. Discover the world-famous Sellaronda ski carousel with a gourmet tasting combination.


The Sellaronda itinerary passes through 4 different valleys, 3 provinces and 2 regions. This is translated in different culinary specialties that will be tasted during the ski day. Start from Alta Badia and enjoy an aperitif Veneto-style at a panoramic point at 2.478m, with some typical snacks.


Continue skiing until you arrive to the next valley, Val di Fassa (Trentino province), where you will taste local appetizers in combination with local wine. Now you’ll descend to Val Gardena (returning therefore to South Tyrol), where you will stop for the a very traditional main course in a cozy wooden hut (combined of course with South Tyrolean wine).


Continue the Sellaronda over the Passo Gardena and arrive in Alta Badia for a sweet stop & coffee in the afternoon!

Duration: day activity 9.00 - 16.00


- Private ski guide
- Aperitif & snacks / appetizers + wine / main course + wine/ dessert + coffee
- Supplement 2 ways transfer from accomodation
- Supplement ski equipment & Skipass

Meeting point: your accomodation


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: every extra pax up on request



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