Sled Dog Experience


The Tour is the optimal choice for those who want to try sledding in a unique setting. After the first 15-20 minutes of theoretical-practical briefing, where you will learn the basic rules for safety while driving the sledge, we set off on the tour, which lasts about 40 minutes.


The first part of the track is characterised by a gentle ascent into a magical forest. In this phase, we will start building a cooperative relationship with the team and warming up the balance on the sledge.

We will then reach a snowy plateau at 2200m above sea level, where the forest gives way to a wide expanse of snow.


Here, a 360° view of the Dolomites and the surrounding valleys will increase the dose of excitement we have never experienced before. In the final stretch, characterised by a downward slope, the fatigue of the climb will leave space for excitement, letting us live the thrill of the moment.


There will be breaks along the way for four main reasons: firstly the aim of this experience is not to take part in a dog sledding competition, but to experience a unique relationship with our team and with nature by having the opportunity to stop and appreciate the breathtaking views we will encounter; secondly, because we may need to catch our breath (lacking due to the altitude and physical exertion); the third reason is linked to the cleanliness of the track since our guide will take care of picking up the droppings, not to spoil the wonderful places we find ourselves in; last but not least, we may also stop to take a few photos.


Dog sledding is a sport that requires effort during the performance. Thanks to this effort, we can easily create a relationship of respect and cooperation with our cuddly friends. However, those who choose to experience this adventure must be healthy and in acceptable athletic condition; in this regard, but above all for the dog's health, there is a weight limit of 90kg.


Option 1 - private
09.15 pick up from Forestis with mercedes vclass to Passo delle erbe
10.30 Passo delle erbe Private sled dog experience with your private Musher (sled dog master)
12.30 Way back to the base camp and end of the activity
13.00 lunch Baita Cir - Passo delle Erbe
14.30 Transfer back to Forestis
16.00 Arrival at Forestis


Option 2 - shared with lunch
10.15 pick up from Forestis with mercedes vclass to Passo delle erbe
11.45 meet with the guide in San martino in Badia
12.00 briefing and sled dog experience 7km
13.30 lunch in a cozy mountain hut
15.30 Way back by snowmobile
16.00 Transfer back to Forestis
17.30 Arrival at Forestis

Duration: day activity




- private vclass with English speaking driver 9.15 -16.00
- private sledding experience

- Private ski guide


Option 2

- private vclass with English speaking driver 10.15 - 17.30
- sledding experience shared with lunch
- Lunch in a cozy mountain chalet



Meeting point: Forestis


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 5 person


Children must be at least 3 years old to participate. The youngest children must be carried in the sled by the musher (instructor) who will be their guide throughout the experience. For children who aspire to drive their own sled, there are physical requirements in terms of minimum height and minimum weight, which will be clarified when booking.



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