Create Your Mask


Venice Carnival is known worldwide for its lavish costumes and masks, which once would be worn for more than a six months during a year!


For the participants of the celebration that meant an opportunity to enjoy the pleasures of life without being recognized.


Nowadays it still remains one of the most attractive events and the Venetian masks gained a symbolical meaning, representing Venice as a city of delights.

It is a popular attribute that the travellers from all over the world like to wear while wondering around the city.

Learn how to create and decorate your own mask, join the masked crowds and immerse yourself into the
joyful experiences.

Duration: 2 hours.

- English-speaking tour escort 2 hrs
- Private class in the atelier Materials and self-made mask
- Water taxi from Hotel to the laboratory


(Supplement way back to hotel water taxi upon request)


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 10 person

Fill in the form to submit your request


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