Heli Tour to Kronoplatz


Starting the day from Forestis Dolomites , we will welcome you aboard our helicopter that will take you to one of the most beautiful and scenic alpine landscape in the world: Kronplatz, or Plan de Corones rising 2275 meters (7464 ft) above sea level, Relax and enjoy the flight in the blue sky, admire the magnificence of the Dolomites from above, and get ready to hop off onto the breathtaking scenery !


Once you’ve satisfied your thirst for adventure, you have another incredible experience waiting for you: lunch at AlpiNN, a restaurant conceived by none other than Chef Norbert Niederkofler himself. For those who don’t know, Niederkofler is one of the most celebrated chefs in Italy, having earned three Michelin stars for his elevation alpine cuisine local to South Tyrol. Here, you will be able to taste his philosophy “Cook the Mountain” for yourself.


To finish off an unforgettable day, we make one last stop at two museums: the Lumen Museum, exhibiting mountain photography, and the Messner Mountain Museum (MMM), dedicated to all things mountaineering. The latter, designed by the world-renowned architect Zaha Hadid  responsible for building many of the most prestigious museums around the world cuts an impressive figure on the mountainside, its sharp angles jutting out into the sky.

Duration: day activity


- Local expert guide meeting at Kronoplatz
- Private luxury car Mercedes Class V for the 2 ways to helipad
- 2 ways transfer to Kronoplatz by helicopter H125 up to 6 pax ( duration is 15 min ride per way + 10 min panoramic flight in the morning )
- Lunch excluded from the price of the tour.
- Entrance Museum fees are extra

Meeting point: Forestis Hotel (Palmschoß 22, 39042 Bressanone BZ)


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 6 person



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