Snowracket experience on the World War outpost


Every mountain tells a story, passes on a teaching. In the case of the eastern range of the Dolomites, it’s not about a mountaineering endeavor or the peoples who first settled on the cliffs that tower over Cortina d’Ampezzo. You feel the history of this area, where the whistling of the wind accompanies the changing of the seasons, in a silent way, as if resting from a past that made too much noise.

It’s the shots fired by the soldiers of the Italian army and the Austro-Hungarian troops who fought on the Lagazuoi, Falzarego, Cinque Torri, and Cima Gallina front during the Great War. Today, the trenches dug into the rock and the open- air museums that surround the walls of these iconic passages are the relics of a heritage to be preserved, an enduring admonition that the mountains should unite and not divide. We start from Rifugio Col Gallina (2,055 m) by the time we’ve walked a few meters, Averau, Sasso di Stria, Lagazuoi, Tofane, Valparola, and Cinque Torri are ablaze on the horizon, while the stories of the historical reenactor slow our pace. The nature around is silent, and imagining how so much beauty has been violated by men fighting their own kind makes us shudder.

A succession of gentle ups and downs leads to the fork connecting Croda Negra and Cima Gallina: the spectacle offered by Monte Civetta, the Pale di San Martino, and the Marmolada is incongruent with the view of the tunnels dug by soldiers during the Great War. The Italian artillery stronghold of the Great War and the lookout posts stand suspended, becoming one with the orange rock, at the base of the outline of the tower that emerges from the expanse below. A hot meal, cooked on a wood stove, anecdotes about life in the trenches.



09.30 departure by private car from your accomodation in Cortina Area
10.00 Meet your Alpine mountain guide and start the activity
11.30 Arrival at the outpost
12.00 Light lunch and spare time to relax and enjoy
13.30 Way back to Falzarego Pass
14.00 Arrival at Falzarego and transfer back to the accomodation
14.30 arrival at your accomodation in Cortina

Duration: day activity from 9.30 -14.30


- Snowshoes and poles
- Alpine Historical guide English speaking
- Light lunch: cold meats and cheeses, is served together with a glass of wine

Meeting point: your accomodation in Cortina


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 6 person


Difficut: Easy
Lenght: 2,5 km
Positive elevation gain 200 m


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