Hiking to Sorapis Lake


On this tour, we will spend approximately three hours hiking to Sorapis Lake, which in the local dialect of Ladino means “above the waterfall.” According to folklore, the lake was originally formed as a pool of tears, the surreal turquoise color of its waters an expression of overwhelming gratitude.


On the hike, you will be able to see its brilliant hues for yourself, accompanied by a local tour guide specializing in the region who will be able to tell you more about the facts and the legends of the lake. After the morning excursion, we will head to lunch at a mountain chalet perched atop the mountain range.


The charming locale offers traditional, home cooked style cuisine, but updated for a modern palate. Overlooking the beautiful alpine landscape, it is the perfect place to sit back and enjoy the view all around you.

Duration: day activity


- Local expert guide
- Private luxury car (Mercedes Class E or Mercedes Class V) for the 2 ways transfer

- Lunch excluded from the price of the tour

Meeting point: your accomodation in Cortina


Min Pax: 1 person

Max Pax: 6 person


Tour is not operating with snow
Opening days of the mountain chalet to be verified


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