Wine tasting and romantic dinner in a luxury wine cellar


With this exclusive package, we will pick you up directly from your accomodation in Cortina and sweep you off your feet with a wine and cheese tasting and a romantic dinner in a luxury wine cellar. The evening will start off with a toast-- with not just one, but six, glasses of wines unique to the Alto Adige region, each paired with a local cheese.


Thanks to the diversity in the region, from high altitudes to gentle valleys, the wines produced in this area are world-renowned and offer an extraordinary variety of options, from their hallmark white pinots to the sweet light red Schiava.


A knowledgeable sommelier, fluent in English, will be at your disposal to help you choose each pairing and delve deeper into each variety’s peculiarities. After the appetizer, dinner will be served, complete with a fondue. Take the time to let your lover know how much you appreciate them with this romantic dinner.


Duration: dinner time


- Private transportation by mercedes classe e o classe V for 2 ways transfer
- Wine tasting and cheese tasting with an English speaking sommelier

Meeting point: your accomodation in Cortina


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 6 person



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