Wine & Cheese Luxury Tasting - Slow Food Tour


Enjoy an unforgettable tasting experience in the beautiful region of Valpolicella, land of genuine flavors. Visit a cozy winery in Valpollicella historical area , learn about their wines and take the opportunity of taste finest wines in a breathtaking location.


The tour continue with an exceptional gastronomic spot will offer you an unrivaled and authentic food experience. This is a small family- run business that, for years, has protected and supported the gastronomic tradition of Italy.You will find cheeses from all over Italy:cPiedmont, Lombardy, Paestum incCampania, Sicily, or Sardinia. Many are anciently made cheeses, and others are enriched with particular maturations, wrapped in herbs, and flavored. The variety of cheeses can reach 300 specialties, from the most refined to the simplest and most traditional. Together with Michelin-starred chefs, they create one-of-a-kind cheeses. Take the unique opportunity to try them and enjoy a fine-tasting and take a gastronomical tour of the country!

H 09.00 am departure from Lefay Garda
H 11.00 am arrival in Valpollicella
H 11.00 - 12.00 visit and cheese tasting in a cellar in Valpollicella
H 12.00 transfer to the winery
H 12.30 visit , wine tasting and light lunch
H 14.30 way back transfer to Lefay Garda
H 16.30 arrival at Lefay Garda


Duration: dinner time


- Private transportation by classe Mercedes vclass from Verona 7 hrs with English speaking driver
- Wine tasting in a family run winery
- Visit and cheese tasting in a cellar in Valpollicella

Meeting point: Lefay Garda (Via Angelo Feltrinelli, 136, 25084 Gargnano BS)


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 6 person


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