Full day Franciacorta - wine tasting in a luxury winery, lunch at Albereta Relais Chateaux and afternoon walk in Bergamo alta


Franciacorta a region in the north of Italy featuring countless vineyards, is synonymous with the well-renowned wine that it produces, also dubbed Franciacorta. This sparkling wine was awarded its DOC status- the highest guarantee of quality in Italy- in 1967; since then, many other wines produced by the Franciacorta region have earned the same reputation for quality and excellence.


We will visit to a prestigious winery, walking through vineyards with the winemaker, discovering the secrets of winemaking and trying excellent wines while overlooking acres and acres of rolling green hills.


Such a fantastic spot to savor all of the delicious products of the area! Next, you will be invited to a fantastic lake view lunch at Albereta, an enchanting relais chateaux that rises among peaceful hills and vineyards. After lunch discover one of north Italy hidden gem Bergamo alta with a local guide for a pleasant walk in the historical city center .

Timing :
09.15 Departure from VILLA FELTRINELLI
10.30 Bellavista visit and wine Tasting
12.45 Lunch at Albereta Relais Restaurant
14.30 Transfer to Bergamo
15.00 meet the guide and Bergamo city tour
17.00 Transfer back to VILLA FELTRINELLI
18.30 Arrival at VILLA FELTRINELLI

Duration: 9 hours


- Bella Vista or deluxe winery in Franciacorta : Visit & tasting
- 2hrs English speaking guide in Bergamo ( not from accomodation )
- Mercedes V class with English speaking driver up to 9 hrs

Meeting point: Villa Feltrinelli (Via Rimembranza, 38, 25084 Gargnano BS)


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 8 person



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