Early morning photo tour and breakfast at Caffè Florian


The best time to walk around, to embrace the beauty of the city of Venice is certainly morning.


Only a few locals getting to their works, bakeries and coffee shops opening for the day and inviting to come with the
scent of freshly baked pastries and coffee.


The morning sunlight slowly filling narrow streets and spacious squares are the best setting for a photo shooting organized by TopVenice.


Get around the city with a photographer, who will not only make your memories captured in pictures, but also will contribute to this experience by sharing his knowledge and stories about the life in Venice.

The photo tour will then be followed by a breakfast at the historical Caffe Florian.


Enjoy the most fresh and
delicious breakfast and the sunlight of the morning.


What if not that, could be the best overarching experience of your time in Italian lagoon.

Duration: 2 hours.

- English-speaking assistant 1h 30 min
- Professional photographer 1h 30 min (50 photos sent by email after 10 days for editing)- Buffet Breakfast at Caffe Florian from 9.00 am

Meeting point: Your accomodation or San Marco Square


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 4 person

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