Artisanal Gelato Cooking Class in a Private Studio


Join this tasty gelato experience to learn all the secrets of making the famous traditional Italian ice cream.


Spend a few hours with a passionate artisanal ice cream maker where all the magic happens, in his studio in the city center! This lesson is a suitable fun activity for all the family and gelato lovers of all ages. You will leave the studio with the gelato you have made of course but also with a heightened appreciation for this dessert, know how to distinguish the artisanal from the industrial, and lots of recipes to make gelato at home.

Duration: 2 hours


- Private hands on gelato making masterclass

- Artisanal gelato tasting

- Gelato recipes and precious cooking tips

- Transportation upon request

Meeting point: to be agreed


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 10 person




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