The fabulous world of the artisans


Florence is a river city renowned for its rich tradition of artisans who create masterpieces with techniques carefully handed down through generations.


This special tour will give you the chance to have in one day, a glance on this Florentine peculiarity. In this special day, you will visit the most enchanting workshops in Florence. You will have the chance to explore Florence from its narrow streets but also from some of the best artisans' workshops in the world!

Duration: 4 hours


- Private english speaking guide at your disposal 

- Private visit in 2 artisans workshops

- Walking tour through Florence

- Transportation upon request

Meeting point: 


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 15 person


Note: this is not a shopping tour but a tour in the artisan world. No obligation to purchase anything during the walk.



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