Truffle Hunt in Tuscany


Join a truffle treasure hunt on a half-day excursion in the Crete Senesi, the clay hills of Siena, or in the San Miniato area. In a small private group explore the ground guided by expert truffle searchers who will explain all you need to know to find these curious, elusive delicacies. You will be assisted by experienced and inseparable dogs, Lagotto Romagnolo breed, essential to find the precious tuber.


Enjoy a relaxing morning in nature as you seek out these pungent culinary jewels and try them at a celebratory tasting at the end of the excursion.

Duration: 3 hours


- English speaking-assistant

- Truffle Hunting with a specialized truffle hunter

- Truffle based light lunch

- Transportation upon request

Meeting point: 


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 10 person


Note: Comfortable hiking shoes are recommend 

Truffle seasons:

Marzuolo truffle Febr- April.

Scorsone truffle June – Sept

White truffle Sept- Dec



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