Edipo Re... Culture is what remains after all else has been forgotten


Enjoy a unique sunset experience on board of Edipo Re luxury boat.


You will taste the wines and products of our social farms, learn about the boat's history, the love between Pasolini and Maria Callas, and experience the place where all of Italy's Twentieth Century
passed through and left a memory of itself.


Edipo Re is the vehicle for promoting and cultural dissemination of our territory, native Venice.

Duration: 3 hours.


- Sunset tour with aperitif 18.00 - 21.00 

- Supplement dinner on board (upon request)

- Supplement 2 ways transfers from and to accomodation

Meeting point: Departure and Disembarkation are from and to Sant'Elena port.


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 6 person


 Fill in the form to submit your request


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