Exclusive private boat experience in Tigullio Gulf


Come and discover one of the most beautiful areas of Liguria: Tigullio.

A splendid vessel measuring approximately 10 meters in length. with a design characterized by elegant and timeless lines that contain the flavor of tradition, the precious and beautifully sculpted wooden decks and the leather finishes of the elegant dashboard and helm enhance the pleasure of navigation in a timeless classic that offers unique , unparalleled emotions and comfort, will take you directly into this corner of nature and history.

Water, rocks, boats, yachts and breathtaking views will make a day spent surrounded by nature and relaxation memorable!

Full day guided excursion departing from the port of Rapallo. During navigation it will be possible to stop at anchor along the coast between Rapallo and Portofino, in the Bay of Paraggi and Punta Pedale and in the Cale di Punta Canone and dell'Olivetta, in Cala degli Inglesi and along the coast between Punta Chiappa and Camogli, for a refreshing bath or to be able to admire the numerous fish of the Marine Protected Area with a mask. Lunch in a charming restaurant in San Fruttuoso, a small fishing village located in a splendid bay on the slopes of Mount Portofino, with Ligurian specialties.

Duration: 6 hours


- Navigation in the Gulf of Tigullio on board a splendid private AD boat (Exclusive Use)

- Assistance of 1 tour guide for the excursion

- Lunch in a restaurant in San Fruttuoso (4-course menu, drinks not included)

Meeting point: Porticciolo di Rapallo

End of Service: S. M. Ligure/Portofino.


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 10 person


Recommended clothing: swimsuit, beach towel, sunglasses, sunscreen and hat. A windbreaker can always come in handy.



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