Picnic in Portofino between Nature and Gastronomy


You will leave from Portofino center, where you can pick up and board our Porters Piaggio, to enjoy a wonderful day spent at the Ecofarm, which can be defined as a “park within the park”, it extends in fact in the heart of the Portofino park, above the Cala degli Inglesi.


Inside the Eco-Farm there is the enchanting bee path (thanks to which a delicious honey), the wine route, the butterfly garden... and much more. Together with the guided tour of this splendid oasis it will be possible to have a delicious picnic with tasting of local products and km0 production: homemade focaccia, cured meats and cheeses, our honey, fresh fruit, vegetable cakes (with vegetables from the garden)...and much more, taste of beer (Amber Ale and Golden Ale), white wine and liqueurs.


The Eco-Farm overlooks Cala degli Inglesi and its sea view, combined with the intense scent of Mediterranean scrub, offers moments of precious well-being. It's a beauty, that of the Eco Farm, which offers itself to visitors in all the simple and touching strength of its harmony and simplicity. Always going back down with the Piaggio Porters to the center of Portofino. You will visit the Cave and the Coppelli Cellar, which in addition to being the home of the wine produced from the vineyards just visited, it is also the headquarters and documentation center for a study on renewable energy. In The temperature in the cave remains constant all year round.


Through a heat exchange and the installation of a heat pump, the earth's energy is transformed in order to guarantee self-sufficiency energy to the adjacent cellar. A tasting will take place in the Cellar & Grotta dei Coppelli of wines produced in total exclusivity.


Duration: 6 hours


- Private transport from Portofino center to the Ecofarm

- Return with Piaggio Porter with visit guided tour to the Ecofarm of Portofino

- Picnic lunch in the vineyard included based on local products (focaccia homemade, cheeses, honey and lemon jam of own production, bruschetta, fresh fruit, vegetable pies (with vegetables from the garden)... and much more;

- The Coppelli Wine – tasting in the vineyard;

- Tasting of Amber Ale & Golden Ale beer and home-produced liqueurs

- Guided tour to the Grotto and the Coppelli Cellar with tasting

Meeting point: Portofino (Piazza della Libertà).


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 4 person


Recommended clothing: trekking boots and sportswear.


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