Genova: emotional pesto a Palazzo


In the heart of the historic center of Genoa, inside a splendid historic residence, we offer an exclusive pesto experience.


In your mortar you will find ingredients and recipes as tools for discover Genoa and Liguria, a particular territory, between sea and hills, rich in art, history and homeland of heroes and typical dishes.


You will live a complete Genoese culinary experience, savoring the Genoese spirit by preparing pesto and then tasting it with typical pasta. An experience to totally immerse yourself in Genoese culture.


You will make the pesto in the mortar, then tasting it with local focaccia and then we will taste the fresh pesto with the trout fiette, traditional Genoese pasta. The experience includes tasting a local white wine with canestrelli biscuits from the hinterland.

Duration: 2 hours


Pesto making cooking class with pesto tasting, trofiette Genoese, glass of wine, 1⁄2 liter water and canestrelli

- Entrance and visit to a Palazzo Rolli


Meeting point: to be agreed


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 10 person


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