Ceramic workshop experience


Model the clay creating shapes from nothing, decorate a plate to create wonderful ones fantasies, create your own nativity scene with ancient molds.


The laboratory is the most suitable place to immerse yourself in a whole new artistic dimension!


Decorating is, in all respects, one of the noblest arts of the ceramic universe: with the Teacher, you will learn the typical techniques of Albisola ceramics, putting your own to the test creativity. During the course scheduled in Savona, the basic techniques will be taught decoration, with materials and cooking included. And if you want, you can take home the product you have created!

Duration: 2 hours


- Ceramics workshop in Savona with qualified teacher


Meeting point: to be agreed


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 10 person


Recommended clothing: comfortable and sporty.


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