Tigullio Foodie Tour


Explore the beautiful Rapallo, the Pearl of the Gulf of Tigullio, and discover Ligurian cuisine on a tour gastronomic with a local host.


Enjoy a welcome aperitif at the Musical Kiosk, one of most unique monuments in the city, before immersing yourself in an emporium of delicacies where you will prepare Genoese pesto using a marble mortar and a wooden pestle.


Continue the tour through the lively food market of Rapallo, where you will taste the main products of Ligurian recipes, from traditional stuffed pasta to Ligurian farinata.


Finally enjoy a dessert refreshment in a local ice cream shop and finish the tour with a tasting of three different balsamics aged vinegars. Discover the authentic flavors of Liguria in this unforgettable culinary experience!


Duration: 3 hours


Guided tour of Rapallo with various tastings


Meeting point: Rapallo (Music Kiosk).

End of service: Rapallo (Imbarcadero).


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 10 person


Recommended clothing: comfortable for walking.


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