Apulian Cooking Class


For those who love "doing", for those who are nostalgic for the atmospheres and flavors of Sundays at grandma's, this is the ideal experience. A full immersion in aromas and simple gestures accompanies the cooking lesson in a crescendo of secrets and chatter in which, together with a Chef expert in traditional cuisine Apulian, you will learn to prepare some of the typical traditional dishes.


To the end of the lesson, everyone at the table to taste what has been prepared, together to numerous other Apulian culinary specialties offered by the kitchens of the farmhouse, obviously combined with an excellent glass of wine.

Duration: 2/2,5 hours


Lunch or dinner with what you have prepared
During the cooking class, more soft drinks and possible bottle of wine
English speaking guide


Meeting point: To be agreed near Itria Valley and Salento.


Min Pax: 2 person




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