Cheese Tasting in Foresta Mercandante


A small wooden kiosk immersed in the Mercadante forest, in the heart of the Murge.


A place created by owners of a historic dairy farm in to experience a tasting journey at discovery of our cheeses, from fresh ones to seasoned ones, up to blue cheeses.


A tasting accompanied by local wines and other local delicacies Apulian tradition is an experience which absolutely smells of life authentic and genuine thanks to nature which dominates everything and which makes the place a true paradise where you can relax in the company of good food.

Duration: 4h/4.30h



- English speaking guide.

- Various tastings

- Tasting in Foresta Mercandante



Meeting point: Caseificio di Cecca, Via bari 26 Altamura (BA)



Max Pax: 10/15 person



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