Catamaran Experience


There are many ways to sail, and the catamaran is one of them. Ideal even for larger groups, it is definitely an exclusive way to discover the stretch of coast between Polignano a Mare and Monopoli. The boat it is sailing, with modern lines and full of comfort for its guests.


The broad the living room joins the outdoor space via large windows, equipped with comfortable seating sundecks and large sofas. The space at the bow with its net suspended over the sea between the two hulls, it offers great emotions during navigation and stops in sparse. Discover how many emotions you can experience on board!

Duration: 3,5hours or 7hours


- Apulian aperitivo

- Towels

- Soft drinks and wine

- Snorkeling masks.



Meeting point: Cove bridge, tourist port of Polignano a Mare, Via San Vito



Max Pax: 10 person




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