Glass Laboratory with the master in a famous "fornace"


The glass school allows you to see first-hand, alongside the most important Masters of Glassmakers, the ancient art of glass processing, of which our Glass factory is today one of the most authentic and important performers in all of Murano.

Our furnace is in fact the largest and most equipped of the island. High-tech and safety ovens can reach a temperature of 1500 °C, ideal for forging works of the highest quality.The art of glass was formally born in 1271.

It is an ancient art. Initially it was done in Venice. Then, due to the devastating fires caused by the kilns, the Maggior Consiglio of Venezia, decreed the displacement of all the shops on the island of Murano which thus became the place of choice for glass processing.



- Coffee or welcome cocktail (depending on the time).
- Meeting with the Master Glassmaker who presents the furnace and the tools used.
- Practical demonstration of how glass is worked.
- Processing test. Guests will create a glass object, under the guidance of the master ( 1h / 1h30 min)


To follow: visit to the Gallery and to the works that have made the history of Murano glass. Visitors can admire the historic horses, clowns, mirrors and fine chandeliers. The tour also gives the opportunity to admire the sculptures of contemporary art born from the collaboration in the past years of master glassmakers with important international artists such as Picasso and Braque. There will be historical collector’s items or glasses that have made their appearance in films and historical paintings.


At the end of the lesson guests will receive a certificate of participation and a t-shirt of the furnace.

After 24 hours, the object will be delivered at the accomodation where the guests are staying.

* The tools that glass masters use to manipulate glass have remained unchanged over the centuries. It is still used today the “ferro sbuso” or barrel which is the main tool for working glass: a metal tube where the glass bolus is placed inside the oven and then blows. Then there are the “bronzino” to shape the glass, the pliers, the tagiante (a sort of scissor to cut) and the pontoon.

Duration: aprox 3 hrs totally


- 2 ways transfers accomodation - furnace - accomodation
- English speaking guide
- Supplement pick up Kempinski or JW Marriott or Lido upon request

Meeting point: your accomodation


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 6 person


The course is open to all: adults and children from 7 years old.





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