Gondola Tour and aperitif in a luxury location


We will provide you with the possibility to travel around, discover some hidden water channels and see Venice from a different perspective.


Accompanied by our local tour leader, you will have a chance not only to wander around, but also to hear about the history, architecture, art and most interestingly, the life on the island.


From this point on, you will be traveling by a gondola that will take to a luxurious palace and a final destination for an aperitif.


The best combination of the wonderful views from the terrace of the palace and the most delicious finger-foods and beverages will make your journey complete and your experiences elevated.


Duration: 2 hours.


- English-speaking tour escort
- Gondola ride 30 minutes
- Aperitif

Meeting point: Departure and Disembarkation are from and to Sant'Elena port.


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 5 person




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