Alto Adige wine road & Carezza Lake


Enjoy our bespoke wine experiences with a dedicated wine expert guide along the famous Wine Street of Alto Adige, where wine-yards, lakes, castles, little towns and wineries are surrounded by beautiful mountains.


After the wine experience, we will visit Lake Carezza that is always a worthwhile excursion destination: in spring it is full of water while in autumn you can catch sight of the nymph on the shore who, according to legend, lives there.



H 09.30 departure from Bolzano to the first winery in caldaro area
H 10.00 - 13.00 A Look From Above At the top of the hills of Caldaro there is the the ancient church of Castelvecchio, where the treasures of South Tyrol’s landscape can be admired: the Lake Caldaro and its precious vineyards. Here begins an enchanting tour to discover the different terroirs that characterize South Tyrolean wines.

Including Tastings: 5 Kettmeir labels & food pairing
H 13.00 lunch reservation by the lake
H 14.30 transfer from Caldaro to Carezza Lake
H 15.30 visit carezza Lake and relax
H 16.30 transfer from Carezza Lake to Bolzano
H 17.30 arrival at Bolzano


Duration: 8 hours


- Full day local guide
- V class at disposal for the itinerary max 8 hrs
- Exclusive wine experience @Kettermeir
- Visit & wine tasting at Loacker



Meeting point: Bolzano


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 6 person



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