Bolzano city tour, beer and food tasting lunchand alpaca trekking


On this tour we will dive into the past of the town, from its simple beginnings as a Roman settlement to a multicultural international cosmopolitan city that knows how to enjoy life that still today remains a place not quite like anywhere else in Europe.On this tour you'll get the chance even to experience the city through its diverse gastronomy and culture. Nothing better than food tells a story about a place! After lunch We offer you a unique experience for all lama and alpaca lovers: a short trekking tour with more than 20 tame stallions in the breathtaking scenery of the Dolomites.



H 10.00 Meeting with the guide at the hotel in Bolzano city center
H 10.00 - 12.00 city tour
H 12.00 beer and food tasting lunch
H 14.00 funicular from Bolzano to Sopra bolzano
H 14.30 Coffee stop Sopra Bolzano
H 15.00 Visit alpaca farm and short trekking with alpacas ( max 1 h )
H 16.15 way back funicular to Bolzano
H 17.00 arrival at hotel in Bolzano city center

Duration: 8 hours


- Full day local guide
- 2 ways funicular
- Coffe stop @soprabolzano
- Alpaca trekking



Meeting point: Bolzano


Min Pax: 2 person

Max Pax: 8 person



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