Vintage Car Tour in Rome




1) Tour with vintage Fiat 500 (or vintage Italian sedan) with driver in Rome: Two-hour tour of the most beautiful places in Rome like the Janiculum Hill, the Order of Malta ("keyhole"), the Colosseum, St. Peter’s Square, the Pyramid, Via Veneto ... Please notice that we are bound to the ZTL (historical center) therefore places such as the Altar of the Fatherland, Campidoglio, Quirinale, Piazza Navona ... can be seen and visited only when possible (after 6pm or on Sunday at any time). In addition to the driver, we recommend a maximum of two passengers in each 500 and three passengers in each sedan.



2) Tour in Rome with luxury vintage car with driver: Clients can choose the most beautiful and elegant vintage cars with drivers in Rome among Rolls Royce, Bentley, Alfa Romeo, Cadillac, Excalibur... for a unique two-hour tour visiting the most representative places in Rome amid the Janiculum, Order of Malta ("keyhole"), Colosseum, San Pietro, Piramide, Via Veneto... Please notice that we are bound to the ZTL (historical center) therefore places such as the Altar of the Fatherland, Campidoglio, Quirinale, Piazza Navona ... can be seen and visited only when possible (after 6pm or on Sunday at any time) and consequently the pick-up and drop off places will be agreed upon.
(Complimentary one hour of waiting time if the clients would like to keep the car for dinner as well.)

Duration: 2 hours



- Bottle of Prosecco

- Pick-up and Drop-off service 


Meeting Point: Pick-up and Drop-off to be advised once we know the address of the client's accomodation.


Max Pax: 3 person


Upon Request: 
- We can provide a professional video maker and a photographer in order to have a video and pictures that will transform the tour in an unforgettable journey.

- Guide

- Champagne and Champagne Kosher



- All vintage cars have manual transmission and have no air conditioning! Kindly check with the clients if they are able to drive them without any problem.

- We strongly recommend to make the tour in the evening after 6.30p.m. (even better after dinner) or on Sunday

- We can accept 4 passengers only if there are one ore more children on board



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