Vintage Car Tour in Roman Coutryside




1) Tour of the “Roman Castles” (countryside) with vintage Fiat 500: Guests will be able to drive a vintage Fiat 500 following a lead car and will remain in contact with the Tour Director with walkie talkies, if necessary. The tour starts from the Baths of Caracalla in Rome and the participants will drive in the direction of the so-called Roman Castles driving on the charming Via Appia Antica. Stop in Frascati, then to Lake Nemi and finally delicious classic roman lunch at Pagnanelli restaurant in Castel Gandolfo with a beautiful view of Lake Albano. After lunch return to the Baths of Caracalla always driving the Fiat 500. The time to consider for the whole tour is about 5/6 hours including lunch time. The menu is à la carte and customers will pay for what they order directly in the restaurant. We recommend a maximum of three passengers per car. A car with driver will pick-up and drop off the clients at their Accomodation.


2) Tour of the “Roman Castles” (countryside) with vintage spiders: Same tour of the Fiat 500, driving an exciting Alfa Romeo Spider or Fiat Spider (convertible cars built from the Sixties till early Nineties).

Duration: 5/6 hours



- Bottle of Prosecco

- Pick-up and Drop-off service 

- Lunch is not included in the final price


Meeting Point: Pick-up and Drop-off to be advised once we know the address of the client's accomodation.


Max Pax: 3 person


Upon Request: 
- It’s possible to go back to Rome from the restaurant in Castel Gandolfo with a car/minivan with driver
- We can provide a professional video maker and a photographer in order to have a video and pictures that will transform the tour in an unforgettable journey.

- Guide

- Champagne and Champagne Kosher



- All vintage cars have manual transmission and have no air conditioning! Kindly check with the clients if they are able to drive them without any problem.

- We strongly recommend to make the tour in the evening after 6.30p.m. (even better after dinner) or on Sunday

- We can accept 4 passengers only if there are one ore more children on board





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