Tour in Rome with Vespa and a driver


Exciting 3-hour tour on vintage Vespas with drivers to savor the Dolce Vita in complete safety with stops in the most beautiful places in Rome. The drivers will pick up the clients at their hotel/apartment and after the tour, with several stops, they can take them back to the same address or elsewhere. The Vespas have access to the ZTL (historical center), but, as with all scooters, they cannot circulate in the Trident (smaller part of the historical centre). Obviously, in case the tour should start or finish inside the Trident, a driver will pick up and/or accompany the clients by foot trying to make the shortest possible route.

Duration: 3 hours


Upon Request: 
- We can provide a professional video maker and a photographer in order to have a video and pictures that will transform the tour in an unforgettable journey.



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