On horseback on the Via Francigena


On horseback on the Via Francigena like the ancient pilgrims. It is said that all roads lead to Rome and this certainly happens if you travel along the Vie Romee, that group of roads that in the Middle Ages guided pilgrims to one of the main destinations of Christianity, together in Jerusalem and Santiago de Compostela. The Via Francigena is the most famous of these roads and thanks to the writings of the Bishop of Canterbury discovered in the 80s, we were able to identify and codify the original stretches of this ancient path, the scene of stories, effort and hope of the many pilgrims who crossed it . From the Chiocciola Castle, to the hermitage of San Leonardo up to the Monteriggioni Castle. Experience the beauty of the Via Francigena on horseback. At the end of the light lunch experience. Experience suitable for non-beginner riders

Duration: 3,5 hours




- Horseback riding along the Via Francigena
- Light lunch
- Insurance
- Professional guide



Please Note:

For medium experience riders who have control at all gaits.

Minimum age 14 years for tours outside the rectangle; maximum weight 90kg.
For insurance coverage it is necessary to provide your name and code. tax for Italian guests; for foreign guests name and date of birth.

All the experiences indicated can be private and customizable.
Possibility of a full day with wine tasting and lunch 




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