Siena one step away from the moon: dinner in a medieval tower


It is the most beautiful and intimate dinner under the stars experience in the city. A single table for two set up on the top of one of the oldest towers in the city.
A single table for two set up on the top of one of the oldest towers in the city. Just the time and effort of 116 steps and you will have access to the top of one of the oldest towers in the city to a secret corner of paradise carefully designed for the occasion. The proposed dinner will be rich in local delicacies and good wine, it will be delivered to you immediately after the welcome aperitif. At that point we will leave you alone undisturbed until 11.30pm. In case of bad weather the dinner will take place with the same characteristics inside the tower itself.

Duration: 3,5 hours




Private Dinner in the Tower
Private Chef
Welcome aperitif
Tower setup
Exclusive Experience




Possible Options: 

- Personalized private event on request 
  > on a buffet basis (max 15 people)
  > on a served dinner basis (max 15 pax)


Type of Menù:

- typical dinner
- gourmet dinner
- fish dinner





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