Weaver for a day: the art of weaving


A unique experience to learn the art of weaving and its secrets using the ancient vertical warping machine built in the 18th century based on a design by Leonardo da Vinci. Participate in the making of a rope, to create a finished product. Discover a unique experience of Italian craftsmanship through the centuries-old factory looms, which lead, step by step, to the discovery of the art of weaving. It will be possible to see how the fabric comes to life, from raw silk to the packaging of a finished furniture product, and touch the most precious fabrics in the world, from brocatelle and damask, with their Renaissance charm, to the most contemporary solid and striped colors .

Duration: 3 hours

Available from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00




- Private Experience
- Exclusive Weaving Experience
- English speaking guide
- Visit Antico Setificio



Please Note: On request for groups and team building




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