Hippie Vintage Tour in Chianti


Traveling aboard the Hippie minibus in the heart of Chianti. Have fun with us in 60s style. Treat yourself or give away an exclusive guided tour in Chianti. Our suggestive itinerary is able to offer maximum driving pleasure and at the same time allows you to enjoy breathtaking views of uncontaminated nature and small enchanting villages, away from traffic and mass tourism. During the tour you will have the opportunity to take souvenir photos and taste a good glass of wine with a picnic in the Chianti vineyards.

Duration: 3 hours

Available from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 12:00




- Rental VW Van T2-9 seats from 1977 is two-tone Tiffany blue with white roof
- Expert guide
- Insurance
- Petrol 
- Picnic in the Chianti vineyards

- Private Tour



(Departure e.g. Piazzale Railway Station – Siena, 53100 SI, Castelnuovo Berardenga, 53019 SI Gaiole In Chianti, 53013 SI (Castello di Meleto) Radda in Chianti, 53017 SI, Greve in Chianti, 50022 FI, Panzano In Chianti, 50022 FI (castle and typical butcher's shop) Castellina in Chianti, 53011 SI, Monteriggioni, 53035 SI  (Castello) Return Piazzale Staz. railway – Siena, 53100 SI



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