The art of Falconry in Tuscany


Discover the art of Falconry with us. Eagles, owls, hawks, buzzards and barn owls are the protagonists of a free flight demonstration.

Adults and children will have the opportunity to meet these incredible airbenders up close and discover their extraordinary abilities. After a presentation of the birds of prey, the trainers will show you the ancient art of Falconry, recognized in 2010 by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Come and discover the fascinating world of birds of prey, where you can observe and photograph eagles, hawks and owls up close. These splendid birds, with their free flight, will transport you to a dimension where man and nature meet, in a natural and animal-friendly context.

Duration: 2 hours

Show possible at night and in the afternoon also during banquets.




- Falconry show
- Private Experience
- Professional Falconers
- Various types of birds of prey


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