Hidden Venice by Limo Boat


Enjoy a limo boat tour off the beaten track around Venice and discover some of its most special places, hidden gems of spectacular beauty. Visit the Arsenale, located in the most ancient part of Venice, Castello.


Ancient fortress built on the water, Arsenale was once home to the medieval marine force of the city and it has preserved all its majesty and power. Visit Cannaregio district , the jewish ghetto and the hidden Cornes.


Last but not least, marvel at the beauty of the Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute, built to celebrate the end of the plague in 1631, with its ornate façade and impressive dome its majesty will be something you will hardly ever forget.

Duration: 3 hours.


- Accomodation pick up and drop off
- Limo boat at disposal 3 hrs
- English speaking guide 3 hrs

Meeting point: your accomodation


Min Pax: 1 person

Max Pax: 10 person




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