Discovering the Art of Pecorino


Lapo master cheesemaker and Ilaria will teach you the traditional method for the production and aging of Pecorino, a typical Tuscan cheese made with sheep's milk. A unique and different experience. You will visit the farm with its animals, the sheep, the chickens, the rooster, the geese, the ducks. During the cheese making course you will produce three types of cheese: raveggiolo, pecorino and ricotta. The experience will end with a wonderful tasting of Tuscan bruschetta, pecorino cheese, pasta with cheese, ricotta with jam. All accompanied by a good wine.

Duration: 3 hours



- Cheese course (raviggiolo, pecorino and ricotta) which includes a visit to our sheep stable
- Private Experience
- Drinks during the course
- Apron
- Book on "Pecorino"
- Diploma
- Lunch with: bruschetta, raviggiolo, 3 pecorino cheese (fresh, semi-matured and aged), pasta, ricotta-based dessert
- Drinks (water, wine and vin santo)


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