Discovering the Cinta Senese


Visit the farm in Montepulciano, visit the uncontaminated place where they breed Cinta Senese.

Here, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the true essence of the Tuscan countryside and discover the hidden treasures of this region.
Roberto, the passionate owner, will guide you in a unique experience. You will start with a walk among the olive trees and vineyards, breathing the fresh air and enjoying the panoramic view. But the real surprise awaits you in the enclosure of Cinta Senese pigs, with their characteristic white belt, sociable animals happy to be petted.

The experience continues in Roberto's garden, an oasis of colors and flavors where you will have the opportunity to see and taste fresh vegetables grown with love and dedication.
And finally, the culminating moment: a tasting lunch prepared with the farm's products and those from other local farms. This authentic meal will delight you with the genuine flavors of Tuscany, a true feast for the palate.

This stop is an authentic window into Tuscan rural life and represents a unique opportunity to connect with local nature, culture and cuisine. An experience that will leave a lasting impression on your heart and your palate.

Duration: 2 hours



- Walk among the olive trees and the vineyard to get to the pigs, knowledge of this ancient and friendly Tuscan breed and the herd leader "Ciro", walk in their territory
- Visit to the pantry where the cured meats are cured.
- Lunch Menu
- Tuscan crostini
- Bruschetta with Aglione sauce from Valdichiana Panzanella (Summer) Ribollita (Winter)
- Platter with cured meats from our Cinta Senese breed pigs Platter with three types of Pecorino di Pienza cheeses and Cantucci and Vinsanto compotes
- Water house wine coffee


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