Heli Tartufo Experience: truffle hunting, lunch, tasting and helicopter flight


Immerse yourself in the essence of the truffle in all its facets, from the enchanting forest to the table. This unique experience includes a transfer by private car or helicopter to a private property, where you will have the opportunity to meet an expert chef and a skilled truffle hunter. Accompanied by Giotto, our trained dog, you will embark on a two-hour truffle hunt. Finally, you will delight in an exquisite lunch prepared with the precious truffle, thus completing an unforgettable gastronomic experience.

Duration: from 10.00 in the morning to 5.30 in the evening



- NCC or HELI transfer
- Private property
- Meeting with Chef and Truffle Hunter
- 2h Truffle hunting with Giotto (dog)
- Truffle-based lunch



Please note:
The price depends on the mode of transport and the number of people. Availability of the tour in the Black Truffle season (1 January - 9 August) and the White Truffle season (10 August - 31 December)


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