Montecarlo: E-bike Tour with lunch and wine tastings


An e-bike tour through the charming medieval village of Montecarlo di Lucca in Tuscany, is a journey through time, exploring its cobbled streets and admiring the historic architecture. After a short initial introduction, during which the functions of the e-bike will be illustrated, you will have the opportunity to explore its features and start enjoying the experience

Reach unique panoramas, effortlessly with the e-bikes, enjoying spectacular views of the surrounding countryside. The culmination of this adventure is a tasting of local wines, immersing yourself in the winemaking traditions of Montecarlo and savoring fine nectars that tell the history of the territory through their unique flavor.

Duration: Approximately 5 - 6 Hours, departure 9:30


Availability: Every Day

Start and End: Farm in Montecarlo

Destination: Montecarlo, Lucca Hills, Pescia

Distance: Approximately 25 - 30 km / 15 - 18 miles



- E-Bike rental with helmet
- Professional cycling guide
- Technical assistance during the tour


Not including:

- Transfer to the starting point
- Everything not included in the "included activities".
- Lunch with wine tasting (about €40 per person, to be paid at the winery)
- Insurance coverage


Please Note: Suggestions
- Sunglasses
- Comfortable clothes
- Sports shoes
- Sandals or flip-flops are not allowed


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